martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009


I haven't posted in ages, i know...
We started out Christmas shows, although i don't have any pictures of those.
Most what makes my day... is that every two weeks or so, we go to watch these super awsome basket ball games, and of course I'm super popular among the basket ball players, they are all over me..although they are all very hideous..who knows, they could get me in the VIP..since i am a very important person to god's kingdom! As you all may know, being the sweet person that i am, i all ways cheer for the team everyone is booing! and i boo the team that everyone is cheering for, its very simple...I always "boo" the Tampico 'HURRACANES'
the last game i went to was super good..the hurracanes won by 3 points, (they normally loose, but now they are doing better) i couldn't watch the last 4 seconds..i was jumping and biting my straw.
And since i was the only one votting for the "panteras" team everyone noticed me..and that wasn't good, so everyone started pointing and laughing at me..hahahah..and then i found out, my shirt was on insideout..JOKE! naw..but they were laughing at me, i started crying. (i didn't really)

Well, i could go on and on about my basket ball funness, but i best be leaving..pray for our shows to go super well, and pray to god for pictures from me ;)

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

For the farmer lady

Happy birthday Celeste! You know that I totally wish you the bestest birthday in the whole world. I love signing you in at school time, it makes me feel important because its your the only one who in can sign in properly. I know that you wont be able to see the loving post for a while..because your at "Cervantino"...brings back memories...rashes on chin from giving to many hugs ;) well, i gotta get going. I love you tons, and the greatest day ever M.C.F

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

Julie's cumple

Happy birthday julie! i love you so much, sorry i cant post a long one, but i shall later.
Your the friend that everyone needs, and should have..dont stop being the happy person you've always been. :D

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Happy belated birthday sissy pants!

I dont have much time, so i shall only post a picture of the beautiful florence, when she was about 13. I love you flo :*

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Feliz birthday Lilliana Joy Sester

this computer is kinda chafa, so i cant post a lovely picture.
so, I'll just have to write-
I remember the first time i met you, i thought you were like, MAJOR cool guy...
heh. but then as i got to know you better, i found out that you were just another one of those wannabees..JOKE! No, i got to know you better i just found out how you were much more cool than i thought you were in the beginning. You always listen to all my cabumba stories, and you tell me all yours...and your the first person i think about when i see the phone. Totally the cool guy yeah yeah you are. come to my casa some time soon

I love elephants

oh, thats me and my elephant

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Yes, everyone, I am posting about I DONT KNOW

As you most likly saw the title, you've probolby already thought of what this would mostlikly be about..I DONT KNOW.
As you may be, i am confused as well, but it is most likely in different ways, you are thinking "what is this girl going on about even?" but i ask myself... "what does I dont know mean? does it mean anything i want it to mean, like cabumba? or was Flo talking about the barbie doll?"

So, as we are both asking questions, and I've just gotten you a little more confused with the barbie doll business, I'll just say it all.

Here goes the long boring story (note from editor: if you dont have lots of time, or you dont want to here a cabumba nikki story, dont bother reading the rest of the post)

It was a long boring day in tampico, full of sleeping, eating and doing nothing more than bothering two little girls by the names of Robin and Cathy.
While Julie was reading a 'Heaven's library book' nikki was finishing off robin's last pack of chocolate.
"NIKKI! Stop being sucha piggy...dont eat anymore of my food.."
Nikki looked up with a grand grin on her face...
"You ate them ALL?" robin said looking up in disgust
"what else am i sopposed to do? go play dollies with you and Cathy?" nikki said as she got of the bed, and started rubbing her swore but.
"Robin, have you ever sat on a bed for 4 hours while eating you sister's chocolate?"
"GOD NO! I'm not a fatty like you Nik, anyways..i need the pink shirt to make a dress for my new doll.." robin said as she started to dig into the chocolate rapping paper filled closet.

a few minutes later, when nikki was dead bored, and there were no more chocolates in the room, she sneakaly sneaked outside, and watched as the two girls continued their boring barbie doll game.

"oh god, these girls do NOT know how to play with barbies..i shall add some fun into this game.." thought nikki as she jumped of the bed and sat down beside Cathy.

"i shall tell you guys a story..."

"NOOOO...Nikki, just go away, i hate how you tell stories.." said robin as she pulled out a few locks of hair

"i shall tell it anyways, you can leave if you wish.."

but alas, she stayed.

Nikki started her story with a long SIGH....


Sorry my friends, i know that you want to hear the rest of the story, but i shall continue very soon, at this moment i am being told by my sister Florence to go to bed, so i shall.