sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Super cool joke

Okay, so we are all in the room putting some really yucky face masks on, like i have some rotten avocado on my face right now, and before that, i had some eggs and flour on my poor abused face. "Eww...i have to tell you guys my super cool joke.." said Flo with enthusiasm. "NO! Everyone plug your ears!" said Yannie while eating a few handfuls of 'Doritos'
"everyone listen, okay sooo...
What does a 2 year old crow say when he sees a Chevy drive by?"
A silence came over the room.... the Flowy blurted out "caw caw"
No one laugh but me..and it was super bad.. Well Celeste thought it was funny(but she's retarded added Yannie)
Anyways..so now I am off to wash the horrid smelling rotten avocado off my face, so that i can sleep with Julie tonight.
Asta la sight wayes!

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